How To: Hack a camera into a taser
Build your own cheap taser with an old camera and some plastic. These guys even show you the final product's effects on each other. Please enable JavaScript to watch this video.
SSH into a Jailbroken iPhone allows to browse files & folders on the device easily. When the iPhone and the computer are connected to the same WiFi network, it is easy to do SSH using any SSH client. SSH into the iPhone is also possible over USB cable and this comes handy in cases when the iPhone is not connected to the network.
How to SSH Into Your iPhone -
Why is my vagina itchy? If you're reading this, it's probably not out of general curiosity. Right now your pants on fire and all you want to do is scratch. You need to figure out what's
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How to Uninstall Windows 10 Apps Using the Command Prompt. It goes without saying that once you remove an app, the only way to bring it back is to install the same package from scratch, so if
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POCO is one of the top launcher and full-featured customizable for Android phones. It was mainly designed for providing more secure, to run fastly and seems to be beautiful.
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During one of these post-keynote sessions titled "What's new in Safari and WebKit," Apple employees spoke directly to devs about new features and enhancements coming to its Safari 12 web
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Whenever a photo with the hashtag you choose is uploaded to Instagram, it's automatically put in a folder in your Dropbox account and sent to the printer. You can create triggers for as many hashtags as you want, or you can have it print photos by a specific user, or just photos you've liked.
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Android smartphones have historically had these features well before the iPhone, though Apple's likely response to that would be that they develop longer to make sure they're up to company standards and then implement them better.
Six Android Features You Won't Find on iPhone, Even After iOS 12
Apr 04, 2013 · Even more important, a host of realities weighs against Facebook Home making a near-term impact on rivals such as Google or even Facebook's own users. Here's why: * A huge chunk of the smartphone
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How to Make Google Translate Beatbox. by Robert Quigley | 2:30 pm, November 29th, 2010 . Not sure if this falls in the category of Easter Egg or clever manipulation, but either way, there go our
Google translate beatbox | How to make google translate
How to Make a Clothespin Pocket Pistol (AKA Mini Matchstick Gun)
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