How To: Cut, copy, and paste on your iPhone

How To: Cut, copy, and paste on your iPhone

You love your iPhone and you can't live without it, but it's lacked the basic ability to cut, copy, and paste across multiple apps. With Apple's OS 3.0 upgrade, you can do it all with just a few taps. Watch this Howcast guide to learn how to cut, copy, and paste on your iPhone. You Will Need * An Apple iPhone * iPhone OS 3.0 * Your finger Step 1: Get OS 3.0If you've got a first generation or 3G iPhone, download the free OS 3.0 upgrade. If you've got an iPhone 3G S, the latest operating system comes preloaded. *TipYou can download OS 3.0 for your iPod Touch as well, but it'll cost you $9.95. Step 2: Double-tap your selectionIn an e-mail, text message, or note, double-tap the word you want to select. Then drag the ends of your highlighted box to include any other words. Step 3: Tap "Copy" or "Cut"Tap "Copy" or "Cut" in the bubble over your selection. Step 4: Tap the cursor and select "Paste"In a new message or note, tap the cursor to bring up the "Select," "Select All," and "Paste" commands. Tap "Paste," and your selection appears instantly. Step 5: On a site, tap and holdIf you're on a web site, tap and hold a block of text to select it. If you want to copy more text or a photo, just drag the selection box to include it. For less text, shrink the box. You can paste the entire formatted selection into an e-mail message or other application. Step 6: Shake to undoIf you make a mistake, shake the iPhone to undo it. FactTwo-thirds of all mobile internet browsing is done on an iPhone or iPod Touch.

How To Copy And Paste On An iPhone. Before you can copy anything on an iPhone, first you need to select it. In other words, you need to tell your iPhone, "This is the text I want to copy." Some people say highlighting text instead of selecting, but since select is the "proper" term, that's what we'll use in this article.
4 Ways to Copy and Paste on Your iPhone or iPad - wikiHow

Once you have set up everything perfectly, copy your text, photo, or video on one device and paste them on your other device. To paste the content, either use Ctrl+V shortcut or just right click and select Paste. On your iOS device, just double tap to reveal Paste button and then tap on it.
The Scoop on How to Copy and Paste on an iPhone - Lifewire

The cut, copy and paste features provides you with a lot of possibilities when editing a text on your Apple iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus. You can make use of the tips below to understand how to use these features on your iPhone 8. How to use the Cut, Copy and Paste feature on iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus
See How To Copy, Cut and Paste On iPhone Xs, iPhone Xs Max

How to Copy and Paste on Your iPhone or iPad. This wikiHow teaches you how to duplicate text or images in one location and insert them elsewhere on your iPhone or iPad. Tap and hold on a word. This activates a window that magnifies the
How To Cut, Copy & Paste On The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus
To cut, copy and paste on the iPhone is a very useful ability to know. The process of doing so is very easy at the same time and allows you to copy text, images and links for use in other areas. Below is a full tutorial that will teach you how to cut, copy and paste with your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Cut, Copy And Paste With The iPhone
How to copy, cut and paste on iPhone - iOS Guides
Or copy a photo from the Gallery and paste it into an email. The options are endless. In this tutorial you'll learn how you can copy content in one app then paste it into another. Read on to see how easy it is… 1. Copy text. Find a source of text on iPhone, perhaps your phone number in Contacts. Tap and hold your finger on the number, let
How to Cut & Paste a Document on an iPhone |

That is how to copy, cut and paste on iPhone Xs, Xs Max and Xr. You can also paste a copied text Multiple times i. Different places. However, once you copy a new text the old one gets overwritten. Also, once you restart your device, any copied text gets wiped away so be sure to paste it somewhere else before you copy another text or restart
How to Copy-Paste Text from iPhone to Mac or Windows PC and

With the iPhone 4S you finally have the ability to copy and paste text (or images) from one place to another. This right granted to every computer user took awhile to make it to the iPhone, but Apple has added Copy and Paste (and Cut) functions — and, in its own inimitable way, brought pizzazz to
How To Copy And Paste On An iPhone: Everything You Need To Know!

It's actually hard to imagine being able to use a computer without copy and paste. The iPhone (and iPad and iPod Touch) also has a copy and paste feature, but without an Edit menu at the top of every app like on macOS or Windows, it can be hard to find. This article shows you how to use copy and paste on the iPhone and other iOS devices.

How to Cut, Copy, and Paste on Your iPhone 4S - dummies

1. Launch an app containing your document. The iPhone's cut and paste option is available only on apps that can edit documents, such as Pages, Google Drive, Office Mobile for Office or Microsoft
How To Use Cut, Copy And Paste Feature On Apple iPhone 8 And


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