How To: Use Safari to FTP files from your Mac computer
Watch this video to learn an easy way to FTP (file transfer protocol) files using the Safari browser. Please enable JavaScript to watch this video.
A VPN is an enormously powerful addition to your security arsenal. Sure, it's easier to use a dedicated VPN app, but if you want to configure a VPN manually in Windows 10, this guide has you covered.
How to Connect to a VPN From Your iPhone or iPad
Android phones have had facial authentication even before iPhones got Touch ID. In 2012, Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich had a feature that scanned your face using the front-facing camera to unlock the phone. It worked well in sufficient lighting, because there was no specialised equipment that made faces visible in the dark.
How to decide between Android and iPhone | Computerworld
Maybe one day Apple will clear this ambiguousness up, but until then, there's another way to get rid of that persistent suggestion while keeping the pass in your Wallet on the lock screen.
How to Enable or Disable the Wallet from Showing on Your
How to make lemon battery - It's Fun and Easy! GalaProjects. Lemon battery,How to make a battery,Homemade battery,free energy battery,fruit battery,battery expirementes,lead battery,potato
How to Make a Lemon Battery - iBuzzle
How do you change Windows' default download path? The Answer. SuperUser contributors Techie007 and Charles Burge have the answer for us. First up, Techie007: 1. Open Windows Explorer. 2. Create the folder you want to have as your new Downloads folder (i.e. C:\Downloads) 3. Under This PC, right-click Downloads. 4. Click Properties. 5. Select
How To Change The Default Downloads Folder Path In Windows
How to make a lemon battery A lemon battery is made with lemon and two metallic such as copper and zinc.Copper and zinc work well together with lemon to make lemon battery because lemon contain citric acid similarly Tomatoes and other citrus fruits contain enough acid to effect the galvanometer.
How to Make a Lemon Battery - YouTube
Change background color. A background is the picture or color behind your slide's content. You can change the background color of one slide or the whole presentation. On your computer, open a presentation in Google Slides. Choose a slide. At the top, click Slide Change background. To the right of "Color," click the box and choose a color.
How do I change the background color in Chrome? - Super User
One of the hardest tradeoffs when installing a non-Sense-based custom ROM on an HTC One is the loss of Beats Audio. Due to a patent restrictions from Beats and compatibility issues, it's currently impossible to port it to a non-Sense ROM, but with ViPER4Android you can get almost identical results, bringing life back to the BoomSound speakers on your device.
How to Improve Sound Quality of Audio In YouTube Videos
Not your average Android news — a diverse mix of advice, insight, and analysis with veteran Android journalist JR Raphael. News Analysis How to make your home screen look like KitKat -- without
How to configure Android L launcher on Nexus 5 or similar
CES 2015: Linx Headbands Can Keep You Safe from Permanent
iOS 10 Maps: All the New Features and How to Use Them. iOS 10 continues Apple's tradition of making modest, though clearly needed, changes to its Maps app, which has steadily improved since its
SketchUp has a relatively little-known feature that often helps when it comes to making roofs with lots of pitches: Intersect Faces. Here's what you need to know about this terrific little tool: Intersect Faces makes new geometry from existing geometry. It takes faces you've selected and creates edges wherever they intersect.
SketchUp: Using Intersect with Model to make roofs - YouTube
State contexts have two types of tasks, enter tasks and exit tasks. An enter task is the default, and runs when the profile becomes active. An exit task on the other hand runs when the profile is deactivated. It's important to understand that Tasker doesn't enforce anything you specify in the enter task while the profile is active.
How to set exit task on Tasker simplest way - YouTube
Well, only if you also happen to have an ARM powered LEGO Speedcuber device. Promotional video by maker David Gilday for ARM Ltd. With the help of the Android, the machine cracks the Rubik's Cube in 25 seconds (compare to LEGO Mindstorms solvers' 4 seconds. or the human record of 7 seconds).
It's now possible to hack Android to run on your iPhone - BGR
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